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Zerkwad is a berserker cleric from the tribes of berserkers in the Vestkrag mountains. He is very superstitious. He won't sleep around live birds. He refuses to steal from the dead - except from the undead in which case he takes EVERYTHING because those monsters deserve to have nothing in the afterlife. He won't step on cracks in masonry. He won't adventure on the sabbath day.

The sabbath is not the same day every week. He always drinks with his left hand. He won't step on other peoples' shadows, unless he wants them to die a horrible death in the future. He believes he has already died once and come back to life, but that is debatable because he may have just been REALLY drunk. Spitting into the darkness makes the lords of shadows allow mortals to see in the pitch black.

Zerkwad believes that halflings are cursed evil-people. He hates them with a passion and refuses to deal with them. Zerkwad doesn't read, and believes that books will drain the life from you through the power of the written word.

Zerkwad has a terrible phobia of snakes and believes that foul humors falling from above into his face and mouth is a good omen. He refuses to wear a bag over his head unless under the open night sky of stars in which case it is important to do so. He is angry at fish people. They are the worst kind of people.

Zerkwad has a fear of mirrors. He believes that the “duplicate” inside the mirror wants to murder him in his sleep. Lighting an open flame in a candle shop before nighttime is a bad idea because it invokes the attention of evil spirits.

Character Sheet

Class/Level: Cleric - 5
AC: 2 (Plate and Shield)
HP: 26
Base move 30'; In armor: 25'

Species: Berserker

Initiate of Isis & Osiris
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Cleric +2 on all saves

STR-16, INT-10, WIS-13, DEX-11, CON-14, CHA-10
+1 damage with melee weapons, +1hp/level, +1 saving throws, 4 henchmen
ALL SAVES: +8 TOTAL - (level, wisdom, cleric)
+05% to XP
Special: +2 to hit vs. humanoids, battle rage
Adventuring Skills: Recruitment, Alchemy, Buster
Languages: Common
Permanent Wound: -1 CON


Gold: 329gp
-52.5 upkeep
-57 Cask of inexpensive wine

XP: 15813 (25,001 @ 6th)


Gear: Plate armor and helmet, Sturdy Shield, mace, sling and bullets, Six silver sling bullets, Clothes, money bag, food bag 5 rations, two two-pint wineskins, backpack, belts and scabbards, 2 sacks, light wand attached to his shield, Crowbar, 2x Rod of Deal Light Wounds (1D6+1 once per day), Silvered mace

Gear left at home: Dragon Scale Armor (as chain), Shiny Silver Helmet, Spell Book of cleric spells, bag of caltrops

Mace: Bludgeoning, +1 to hit vs. Plate Armor or Bony Plate type armor, Normal weight, Normal length

Current Healing

  • 3 x Potion of Cure Light Wounds (D6+1)
  • 1 x Neutralize Poison Potion
  • 1 x Remove Disease
  • 4 x Pints of Wine (healing 1 1xbattle)
  • 3 x Comfrey root (healing 1d4 1xday)
  • 4 x Woundwart (healing an extra point if you rest for a day)
  • 4 x Liver Squeezins (1d4 emergency healing / 1 in 20 for blindness cumulative)
  • 1 x Essence of Krangor (If breathed in, 75% chance that it will instantly impart 6 temporary hit points but 25% it will do 1d3 damage instead)

COSTS: Cure Light Wounds (100 each to make + 1 week, 200gp each from temple), Neutralize Poison Potion (800gp from temple), Remove Disease Potion (700gp from temple), Comfrey Root (10 gp), Essence of Krangor (150gp), Pint of Wine (5sp)

Herbals Bag

4x Assassin's Hemp (for morale of NPCs), 3x Birthwart (for poison), 2x Belladonna (for lycanthropy), 1x Chaulmoogra Oil (for oozes), 1x Garlic (for making vampires cringe), 4x Goldenrod (25% to cure a disease), 1x Wolfsbane (for turning lycanthropes), 3x Tamarid (for mummy rot)


  • Potion of defense (+2 AC for 1d6+6 turns)
  • 2x Potion of Dimunation (1/10 everything for 1d6+6 turns)
  • 3 x Holy Water (25gp each)
  • Potion of Darkvision (for 1d6+6 turns)
  • Potion of Heroism (This potion gives the drinker a +2 bonus to attack and damage for 1d6+6 turns)
  • Dust of Appearance (25 uses)


Spells Memorized: (1st Level - 2 1, 2nd Level - 2):

  • Cure Light Wounds: First Level (1D6+1 healing)
  • Remove Fear: First Level (+lvl bonus to fear effects)
  • Bless: Second Level ( Each ally gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and causes +1 damage with a successful melee or missile strike)
  • Control Animals: Second Level (SAVE OR lvl HD of animals FOR 1 TURN/CASTER LEVEL)

Spell Focus - Cure Light Wounds (sacrifice a spell slot permanently and 100gp and 1 week to enchant an item that will cast 1 named spell 3 times per day)

Maintenance Log

Paid Maintenance for Paid Maintenance for 03/07/2021 game (150gp)
Paid Maintenance for 04/03/2021 game (150gp)
Paid Maintenance for 04/10/2021 game (21gp = 3 HD / 7 Days)
Paid Maintenance for 05/01/2021 game (54gp = 3 HD / 18 Days)
Paid Maintenance for 05/16/2021 game (21gp = 3HD / 14 Days)
Paid Maintenance for 06/27/2021 game (164gp = 4HD / 41 Days)
Paid Maintenance for 08/22/2021 game (56gp = 4HD / 28 Days)
Paid Maintenance for 09/05/2021 game (35gp = 5HD / 14 Days)
Paid Maintenance for 09/19/2021 game (35gp = 5HD / 14 Days)
Paid Maintenance for 10/03/2021 game (52.5gp = 5HD / 21 Days)

To Hit: THAC0 19

ACHit #vs. Humanoids

+1 to hit vs. Bony or Heavy Armor with Mace

zerkwad.1633304023.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/03 23:33 by andrew