Table of Contents


Hill Camp Hundred is a defunct Lordship north of Jorvikshire. The Hundred is roughly marked out with Shepherd's Hollow, Worm's Ferry, Frogtown and Lesserton as the four corners of the territory. Currently, Angus McNasty holds the Reeveship of the Hundred in the name of the Earl and there is a big building boom in the village of Worm's Ferry. All the settlements are under Reeve Angus's control as of October 1130.

Secured Population: 554
Available Militia: 59 (69 NPC's 4 from PC lands)–14 will replenish Jan. 1st 1131
Housecarls: 11
Taxation: 57 to Angus, 511 to Earl

Total Population in the Region: 568
Hides under cultivation in the Region: 77


Places of Note

Reactivating the Lordship

Reeve Angus has a manor house, a parish church and a bell-tower in Worm's Ferry. Since Frogtown, Lesserton, Shepherd's Hollow and Worm's Ferry, with a combined population of over 500 have been brought under Reeve Angus's control, it is likely he can apply to the Earl to be elevated into Lord of the Hundred. He will also need to soon bring 23 more hides under cultivation to meet his obligations.