Some bovine incubus in ancient days engendered a whole race of monster cattle creatures that have plagued the world. Some go about on all fours, like some sort of scale-covered aurochs of immense power, others have a more human-like body with a bull-like head (sometimes call Minotaurs); both sorts belong to the same devil-spawned species.
- AC: 17 HD 10 HP 41
- Resistance: 22
- Mods: W+3/N+7/S+12
- Speed: 30':
- Morale: +12
- Stealth +3, Perception +4
- Attack, Melee: +7, Damage: 3d8+2 piercing (horn), 2 attacks if it doesn't move.
- Trample Attack: +7, 3d8+2 bludgeoning plus knock prone.
- Maddening Moo: creature gives off a maddening moo in battle, all beings within 30' must make a WIS check each round or suffer from the Confused condition.
- Scaly Hide: resistant to bludgeoning and slashing attacks
- Scaly Hide: immune to piercing and fire attacks.
- S+12, D+3, C+12, I+3,W+7,Ch+7
MINOTAUR (10 HD Soldier)
- AC: 22 HD 10 HP 41
- Resistance: 17; vs. magic 13
- Mods: W +3/N+7/S+12
- Speed: 40'
- Morale: +12
- Stealth +3, Perception +12
- Attach, Melee: +12; Damage: 3d8+2 Slashing: (Axe)
- Smash Attack: a minotaur can take a -4 penalty to his axe attack, and so gain +8 damage
- Attack, Melee: +12; Damage 2d8 piercing (horns) multi attack x2
- Thick Leathery Hide: resitant to slashing and bludgeoning attacks
- S+12, D+12, C+7, I+7,W+7,Ch+7
troll_cow.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/13 17:45 by dave