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The Free City of Irongate

  • Site: Irongate is a commercial site of extreme importance. It is located along a short, navigable waterway that puts it far enough inland to be safe from raiders, and still be able to support a first-class port. As for land routes, it is the easiest place to cross the Iron Hills and Headlands going north to south. It therefore became the principal trade center for the Dwarves of the Iron Hills and the men of Idee and Onnwal.
  • The Iron League When the Empire of Nerath fell, the lord mayor of Irongate went on embassy to Ivid, the new Overking of Aerdy, and was executed for his troubles. The city subsequently refused to treat with any ambassador from Aerdy or from the Overking's lackies in Ahlissa. Soon, open war broke out. The new Lord Mayor convinced the Iron Hills Dwarves, the Counts of Idee and Sunndi, and the Szek (Viscount) of Onnwal to join in an alliance, known as the Iron League. The League kept the states free from the push from Ahlissa in the early years of the age.
  • The Present Since the end of the last wars, the various states of the Iron League have drifted apart. The roads to and from each town are dangerous and filled with monsters. Raiders and pirates make the coasts dangerous, and isolation and suspicion have tarnished the formerly friendly alliance. However, there is a man with a vision. Lord Mayor Aurelian has come to the conclusion that now, in the year 110 of this dark new age, things can change, and change for the better. Having discovered a cache of ancient gold, he has used it to outfit strongly defensible trading ships. He sends his fleet across the seas in all directions seeking trade, contact and exchange of knowledge. He uses commercial profit to hire soldiers and adventurers to once more open the roads, connect the isolated villages of the southern penisula and help civilized folk across the sea when he can. This period of time would later be referred to as the Irongate Renaissance. Other inhabitants of Irongate are cashing in on the Irongate Renaissance. Aisha ibn Ermina, a foreign merchant with many important contracts in the area also has an interest in Irongate, albeit a more selfish one tilted toward making a fat profit. If her interests are threatened, she would definitely need to hire able adventurers to help her out.
  • Population The city itself has about 45,000 inhabitants, with a further 5000 living in the valley close at hand. They support themselves by trade and manufacture, moving ore from the hills in exchange for food from the southern counties. About 60% of the town's population are human, with 20% dwarves, 10% gnomes, and 10% a mixture of various other races. There is a strong regiment of 2000 heavy-armored polearm and crossbow armed citizen militia of high morale and excellent training that forms the backbone of the town's defense. Additionally, there are the squadrons of trade ships and warships maintained by the Lord whose crews are all trained crossbowmen.
  • Features: Some of the noteable features of the city include a wizard's guild, ancient library, a huge statue of Nerathian emperor Lucas III, a college of astrologers, second only to the one in Rel Astra, and a truly amazing temple and monastery complex. It's naturally fortified position and high, thick walls make it nearly impregnable.
  • Additional Topics:


Class Structure

Living in Irongate

the_free_city_of_irongate.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/05 13:08 by