Table of Contents

Return to the Keep on the Borderlands

Plot Summary

One of your number has happened on an adventurer's diary which outlines their exploits in and around Restwell Keep, located on the borderlands of civilization. Now, forty years since that diary was written, the Keep has declined into a sleepy outpost settlement. The trained warriors once stationed here and the experienced adventurers who once flocked to the spot are long gone. But evil once again stirs in the fabled Caves of Chaos. Humanoids, undead, and evil minions of a dark god plot to destroy their enemies. Only novice adventurers who have come to try their hand at dungeon delving in this traditional training spot stand in their way. Light your torches, assemble your marching order, draw your weapons, and sharpen your wits. It's time for a new generation of heroes to take on the challenge.

Game Sessions

The Lucky Ones

The party, known as “The Lucky Ones” to the citizenry of the keep, are made up of these six (seven?) brave adventurers.

RyanAzakai Brightwoodhalf-elfhexblade warlock
DennisKieran Raelthornehumanbard
ReginaMira Greycastlehumanranger
TyraLucretia Greycastlehumanrogue

Campaign Details

While the campaign started with characters at first level, they advanced to second level after the second session.