Table of Contents

A Brief Timeline of Kyor

The world of Kyor has a rich history, layer on layer of events accumulated over thousands of lifetimes. It is generally broken into ages, many of which have been long forgotten or only remembered in mythology.

Age of the Dead Daeva

In the before times, the Dead Daeva were overthrown by the Old Daeva who took Kyor for their own. This time is often described poetically as “when the old gods were new.”

Age of the Ancients

The ancient cultures that laid the cornerstone of magical power thrive including early Albion, The Two-Headed Kingdom, and the The Assembly of Atanis.

The Void is Pierced

During this age, all of Kyor was victimized by the Masters from the void. The continent of Radavan felt the attack most acutely, but at this time there was a great upheaval and temporary alliances between the peoples of Kyor.

Age of Conflict

During this age, conflicts swept the continents of Kyor as the threats of the Masters were either destroyed, banished, or trapped by the combined might of all the ancient cultures. As the power of the ancients faded, nation-states such as the Verdant Empire rose and fell.

Age of Empire

During this age, the Elven Conclave of Albion ruled supreme across the waves of Kyor. Their swift twin-hulled ships and massive battle-barges conquered the world and consumed all the resources it could. The elven caste system is codified during this period.

Age of Young Kingdoms

As the Empire of Albion weakened, younger kingdoms began to thrive taking control back. Other groups of elves splintered from the Conclave, and smaller city-states began to flex their muscles as well. It is during this time that the modern cultures such as the Dwarven Guild system is created.

Age of Exploration

With the Empire in full decline, other kingdoms begin to travel the world. The continent of Radavan is settled, and the Green Elves create a city-state for themselves on Auria.

The Modern Age

All the lands of Kyor have a different feel. Some like Radavan are empty frontiers with points of civilization punctuating forgotten ruins and dark dungeons. Others like Albion are over-populated hives of hedonistic excess left as a people slowly rots on its own decadence. There are young, hungry barbarian kingdoms and proud city-states with their own ancient codes of honor.

The years of the Modern Age are counted from the events of the Sundered Conclave which broke the total domination of the Elven Empire.

Notable events of the Modern Age include: