Table of Contents
The Academicians Campaign
This adventure revolves around the Arcane Academy, a college of magic set in a big fantasy city full of intrigue and mystery. Join the Academicians for high-magic hijinks, unforgettable moments, and furious action!
This continuing campaign runs in regular arcs consisting of several sessions over a month. The game starts promptly at 6:00 on Thursdays at The Adventurer's Academy and runs for approximately three hours with a single break in the middle.
Game Sessions
Arc One
- Session 0 - What is the range of spider Jesus?
- Session 1 - Dispater's Hoof
- Session 2 - Curse of the Unguis
- Session 3 - The Massacre at Little Kroy
- Session 4 - Lobeillithid
Arc Two
Arc Three
The Heroes
- Barenas - Feytouched Lore Bard (Ethan)
- Brom Mahlard - Rockbred Gnome Knowledge Cleric (Ryan)
- Everan Gemflower - Human Wild Magic Sorcerer(Paul)
- Hugh Evansley - Satyr Wizard Conjurer (Jamin)
- Morwen Peregrine - Feytouched Lore Bard (Jenny)
- Nero Leonheart - Feytouched Bladesinger Wizard (Brandon)
- Lady Pandora Gladwyne - Gold Elf Sorcerer of the Divine Soul (Camille)
- Rae Softwood - Brown Elf Cleric (Jay)
- Delmirev Ravara - Dragonborn Berserker Barbarian (Abby)
- Robynn Cooney - Human Sorcerer (Chel)
- Thako Scarmonger - Green Elf Wild Magic Barbarian (Tyler)
- Yuvon Yol fin Dein - Dragonborn Devotion Paladin (Ben)
Former Heroes
These adventurers have worked for the Arcane Academy in the past, but have moved on to other endeavors in the meantime.
Retired Heroes
Whether through death or destiny, some heroes have left the campaign.
- Eabon of the Woods - Green Elf Moon Druid (Ryan)
- Skelejon - Human Warlock (Bethany)
Character Creation
All the characters were created as pre-generated characters. A new player wishing to create a new PC may do so with the input and blessing of a GM of the game. Please create your character using a combination of the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Stats should use the point-buy system or the standard array.
Characters may choose to take any non-magical item they wish under 100 gold in value that they can physically carry. Items won in previous campaigns in the world of Kyor carry over to future ones.
Write me on the Adventurer's Academy Discord as rew #4943, or email me here so I can contact you.