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The Elven Conclave

The old civilization of the elves is built on a strict caste system with Green Elves (Half-Orcs) at the bottom and Gold Elves (Eladrin at the top.

Silver Elves (Drow) are beneath the high elves and Copper Elves (Wood elves) are ranked below them.

The conclave itself is ruled by a council of nine mirroring the Old Daeva themselves. Each member of the council is emblematic of the deity of the “throne” they are seated at. The councilperson representing the Traveller only votes in case of a tie. The council of the Elven Conclave itself is located on Albion. This ancient island nation is thrall to tradition cast in a cold war that occasionally becomes hot with the humans.

The elves believe that the humans will bring the apocalypse.

conclave.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/29 02:07 by andrew