Library of Mantor
The Library of Mantor is the most prominent book repository in all of Blackangel. It is a repository for the knowledge about the city of Blackangel in all manner of academic fields from the mundane to the fantastic. The staff has a seemingly inexhaustible reserve of vigor which they devote to curating and expanding the library's vast collection of encyclopedias, treatises, and compendiums. It is located in the district of College Hill.
It dates back to Radavan's Time of Troubles. It is named for the human explorer who paid to have it built to house all of her treasures and journals early in Blackangel's history, and served as the home for one of the city's first schools. Its archives reach deep into the roots of Blackangel, bringing it dangerously close to the ancient sewer system of the city. These catacombs were once used by the forces of Corvax when they occupied the city.
Master Opanrael, the current head curator of this famed institution is a celebrity librarian in certain circles of research because of his accumulated knowledge and attention to detail.