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After the crash of the Black Orb, at least one Illithid escaped the wreckage of that disaster, Vaddisk the Mad. He fled the wreckage, barely holding onto consciousness, only able to save 3 of his precious mind flayer parasites. Stumbling into darkness, he was able to use his Psionic power to get a bodyguard in the form of an Umberhulk. The two burrowed through the Underdark together until he was able to regain some of his strength. After finding a suitable cavern system, he started work to rebuild and start a new hive of Illithids that he called Quesbask. Using his new thrall, capturing prey was easy, and soon enough there were more Mind Flayers at work.

The hive is located only a few days travel from the crash of the Black Orb, and is nearby to Hjoldal. Vaddisk simply could not resist once again having the strong arms of Duergar in his service. Over the centuries following his arrival, Vaddisk has suffered from the madness brought on from the crash of the orb. As his limbs withered and his power grew, he has become nearly an elder brain himself guiding the moves of his slaves and bringing the spawn of his tadpoles to heel. He does not cooperate with the other Masters, not participating in their domination of the surface of Radavan and instead prefers to keep to the shadowy Underdark.

quesbask.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/17 17:24 by luke