Rowan is a Shadar-Kai cleric from the Shadowfell. Despite being shadow-born, she has become a follower of the Lady of the Light and serves her as a trusted follower. She has a pure heart, and goes out of her way to always do the right thing. Her history before her escape from prison with her companions Ping and Nigel is a mystery. She dreams of a world of light, yet knows nothing but the darkness of the Shadowfell. Rowan pledged to bring light and joy to the gloom of the plane of her birth. She once wielded the artifact known as Proteus.
She remains in contact with the other heroes of the drowned quarter, and does her best to help them from the Shadowfell and receive help in kind from them.
She is played by Kayla.
rowan.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/15 19:58 by andrew