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May 3, 2013

Opening Scene

Riff: Hey everyone! Welcome to the Morning Madhouse with Riff and Sami here on HOT 93.5! How are you doing this morning Sami?

Sami: Doing great, Riff-pal! It’s Friday, which as you know is my favorite day because of…well you know. Parties! Parties, banquets, and balls!

Riff: That’s right. Balls! Friday night! I can’t wait. So, what’s today’s topic Sami?

Sami: Well I was thinking, and it has been so true recently…

Riff: What’s that, Sami? That I’m incredibly lucky to be in radio because I’m ugly?

Sami: No! Not at all. No. Today’s topic today is… “Is your boss a vampire?”

Riff: Hmm. “Is your boss a vampire?” That’s a good one, Sami.

Sami: Thank you!

Riff: So let’s open the phones everyone! Call in if your boss is a vampire. Tell us why you think so and how you can’t wait for that garlic martini later on tonight to drive them out of your life forever! Caller, you are on the air!

Caller #1: My boss is a vampire…because he can suck on my fat, hairy, asshole!

Sami: Oh my! What a way to start the morning!

Riff: Nice one, caller. Okay…next! Tell us, “Is your boss a vampire?”

Caller #2: Oh my gawd, yes! Just the other day she was all the way down the hall and me an’ my friend Merissa we just whispering about how much of a total bitch she is what with all the stuff she wants for these fancy folks she’s hosting.

Sami: Yeah? And?

Caller #2: Well anyway, somehow she can hear us whispering! She tells us if she catches us doing it again she’ll *terminate* me! Either she’s got supernatural powers or she’s got the whole place bugged or something! I don’t know!

Riff: Well good luck with that caller! Next up…Pat. Is your boss a vampire?

Pat: Totally. My boss is a sick, bloodsucking, two-timing trampy vampire!

Sami: Wow. Harsh, Pat. What makes you think your boss is a vampire.

Pat: Well, first of all. We’ve been lovers now for at least six months.

Riff: Hey there! We’ve made a love connection, ladies and gentlemen!

Sami: Juicy! Tell us more. So you’re “doinking” the boss. How is the pay?

Pat: Well, that’s just it! He bites me, sucks my blood, and then I’m woozy.

Riff: Woozy? Seriously? Are you doing it right, Pat? Because that’s not how…

Pat: Hell yeah, I am! I think so. He’s got a vineyard that he works on all night too!

Sami: Waitaminute? This guy doesn’t even come out during the day!

Pat: He’s a vampire! I’m telling you!

Riff: He’s a vampire all right. Vineyards totally go with vampires. Right?

Pat: Well, then he uses these creepy vampire magic powers to control these vines! I’ve seen him trap a whole bunch of us right out in the field if he’s angry!

Sami: Whoah. Now Pat, calm down!

Pat: I’m telling you, we’ve got vampires crawling all over York! There is a vampire war being fought and we just happen to be caught in the crossfire! That high school animal control tragedy? Vampires! I’m telling you. Wake up sheeple!


Riff: Sorry folks…technical…difficulty. Now back to the music with…um…Taylor Swift and her new song “My Ex-Boyfriend is Awful”.

Sami: [whispered] Please…anyone…help us!


  • York's Kindred population learn that the powers of Dominate are failing on mortals through the last 72 hours, which threatens the Masquerade – the first tradition of the Camarilla.
  • Full Elysium is held at Seven Deadly Sins.
  • Emile creates a batch of Trima, an intoxicating beverage for mortals that allow kindred to easily feed from them, and sees that it is served freely on the first floor of Seven Deadly Sins.
  • Prince Whitehorse is late to the gathering because he had to “eat some pizza” in Shrewsbury. In a completely unrelated story, the man who dresses in a pizza outfit and walks around Shrewsbury shilling for an Italian restaurant was found slain and drained of blood.
  • A particularly odd employee of Emile DeLecroix was found in Farquar Park knifed by a mugger who later took his own life with a self-inflicted wound.
  • A mortal who frequented The Gene Pool was sharing information about kindred activity at that night club. Jack Strayer took care of the problem while Aaron Thompson cleverly used his Media influence to spin the story as a new drink craze at The Gene Pool known as “The Vampire”.
  • A full Primogen meeting is held. Samuel represents the Malkavian for Murdock while Jonathan surprisingly attends the meeting for the Tremere in place of Tzavarus. Craxus asks Aaron Thompson to represent the Brujah. Byron, Gavin, and Jack Strayer round out the meeting. A movement is made to create some hunting territories within the city, but the council cannot come to an agreement on the subject and it is never raised to the Prince.
  • Another mortal named “Wendy” also threatened to break the Masquerade when she spoke openly about receiving the kiss from Mikhail. Molly had captured the poor co-ed, but Aaron broke into the Yorktowne Hotel where the mortal was holed up, beat up Molly's ghoul “Bodyguard Bill”, and dragged them both back to The Gene Pool. There, Aaron left the young mortal at the bar while Jack and Aaron interrogated Bill. In a bizarre turn of events, Squeela finds the confused mortal “Wendy” and drags her into the sewers to feed on her and add to her dead and mutilated corpse already twisted “shrine” to Mikhail.

  • Aaron Thompson later lied that “Wendy” was his ghoul to Q in order to win her cooperation. Once the truth of the matter was revealed, Q took the Brujah into accounting. The former Prince was stripped of all his status and remains the ward of Q until he is ready to be re-introduced into Kindred society.
  • Kevin the Ventrue neonate publicly expresses his concern about a Lasombra being the Keeper of Elysium. Mikhail confronts the Ventrue, but his threats do not affect Kevin. Only once Q involves herself and threatens to bring Kevin's trespasses to Jack the Ventrue Primogen does he cower.
  • A bizarre murder-suicide was recorded in East York. A father beat a young woman to death after she hit and killed his young son with a car. The man was found at the scene with his throat cut open.
  • Prince Whitehorse decides that the evening's celebration was ruined with all the breaches of the First Tradition of the Camarilla, and reschedules the full-court Elysium for 2013-05-17.
  • In addition to Seven Deadly Sins, the Bacchus Club's renovation is complete, and The Gene Pool is also open for business at this point.

Player Characters Present

2013-05-03.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/12 19:16 by