Sir John of Gerk

Captain of Wudchester, Liege-Lord of Wudham

Sir John of Gerk

Sir John's Coat of Arms John of Gerk Coat of Arms

Motto: “Action! Cowards to the Rear!”

Sir John of Gerk
Captain of Wudchester
Liege-Lord of Wudham
“Action! Cowards to the Rear!”

human, Fighter-9, Lawful, Shieldlands, Initiate of Pholtus

STR-15, INT-11, WIS-9, DEX-10, CON-18, CHA-12

+2 Languages, 5 Henchmen, 9gp/level reduction in expenses, Carry 15 items,
Languages: Common, Jebli, Baklunish

Save: 11, Move 30’, ADJ 25’,
AC: 20 (quench plate and shield),
Attack Bonus +5, +3 all damage, +1 melee/hurled damage, +2 hp/level

Hit Points: 63

Trainings: Horseman, Rampage, Hack on the Run, Spear Fighting, Reach for It, Lancer, Captain, Flurry of Blows, Mighty Blow, Recruitment, Tactical Reposition, Shield Sacrifice, Quick Draw
\ Carried Gear: quench plate armor, sturdy shield, +1 Battle Ax, Bastard Sword, large wineskin (4 pints), silver dagger, money bag, knight’s belt, fancy scabbard, golden spurs, surcoat, 2 vials of holy water, 3 healing potions, surcoat of glory, scepter of the battle master.

Max Items: 15, Current 12

Home: Castle Wudchester; Property Wudham village
Gold: 1658 gp XP: 106,432

+1 Battle Ax, +6/1d6+5 or 1d8+5
+1 Spear: +6/1d6+5 or 1d8+5 R1, RC
Bastard Sword: +5/1d6+4 or 1d8+4, FD, DA
Silver Dagger: +5/1d4+4, FD, AM, Hurl 10/20/30
Heavy Lance: +5/1d10+4. R1, CB, UH

Maintenance: Through August 577

Squire Mike Muggins, Butler of Wudchester, human, Lawful, Jack-6

Herald Bartleby, human, Neutral, Jack-3 (has a fast riding horse)
Iron Wall, lawful, F-2, x12 (heavy foot)
Cleansing Fire, J/F-1 x5 (dwarf grenadiers)

Robert Harr: Bailiff of Wudham, J-3 ,Lawful, armorer
Human Peasants x17, J-1
Arlo, Eadford and Dundee Gnome families (x18)
Mule Company, human J-1, crossbow x19 (vassals and mercenaries)
The Sharp Slackers, human, J-1, light foot x20 (vassals and mercenaries)

MOUNTS: (movement assumes a rider) Havoc, Heavy Warhorse, AC 16, HD 3d8+3 (hp 20), Move 30’, AL N, Save 17, Mor 15;
Gear: chain, tack, saddle, 3 heavy lances, dagger
Anguish, Heavy Warhorse, AC 13, HD 3d8+3 (hp 18), Move 35’, AL N, Save 17, Mor 14;
Gear: gambeson barding, tack, saddle, 2 saddle bags
Saber, Light Warhorse, AC 13, HD 2d8+2 (hp 13), Move 40’, AL N, Save 18, Mor 14;
Gear: gambeson, tack, saddle, 2 saddle bags
Fern, Light Riding Horse, AC 11, HD 2d8 (hp 8), Move 40’, AL N, Save 18, Mor 8;
Gear: tack and saddle, 4 saddle bags

CastleWudchester (Under Upgrade)
Village of Wudham

