Noted adventurer, Mrow, a.k.a. Mr. Ow, a feline magician, has decided to resume adventuring after a 2-year period of magical research and investigation into why trolls that turn good inevitably almost immediately die (see Banjak and ROCK STUPID. Frustrated in his research goals, he started to look for companions to “raid the raiders” as he likes to put it.
Mission-1: Cat-1 Mrow leads new pals back to Quellintan, part 1
Mission-2: Cat-2Mrow, with a slightly different team, cleans up level 1, part 2
Mission-3 Cat-3 entering level 2 they defeat a troll, and are snared by the curse
Mission-4 Cat-4 the demons are slain and the dungeon is cleared.
Mission-5 Cat-5 Shopping, Silk Underwear, Murder and Clues to a dungeon
Mission-6 Cat-6 Smash the stash house of thieves, find the Pits of Damnation
Mission-7 Cat-7 They encounter Fish-guys, Rat-men and Giant Lizards
Misison-8 Cat-8 The team finished Pits of Damnation level 1A, all advance a level.
Mission-9 Cat-9 It's a bear!
Mission-10 Cat-10 A hunt for a sorceress leads to dangerous treasure.
Mission-11 Cat-11 Old Town Boys attack! Back to dungeon
Mission-12 Cat-12 Again with the Hell Hounds
Misison-13 Cat-13Never Trust a Hoborg
Mission-14 Cat-14 Crab vs Carnosaur
Misison-15 Cat-15 Too much acid in your face.
Mission-16 Cat-16 Treasure, Just Lying Around On The Ground
Misison-17 Cat-17 Owlbear Rodeo
Mission-18 Cat-18 You can't quit; you're fired.
Mission-19 Cat-19 Trollin' all day
Mission-20 Cat-20 Useless Dwarves
Mission-21 Cat-21 Some Loose Ends
Mission-22 Cat-22 Floggin' Gang War
Mission-23 Cat-23 Nothing but Vampires, but there's always room for Pudding
Mission-24 Cat-24 Return to Wheatabix
Mission-25 Cat-25 The Once and Future Chuggins
Misison-26 Cat-26 8 Lives Left
Mission-27 Cat-27 Monkey Army
Mission-28 Cat-28 Never Thought to Just Ask
Mission-29 Cat-29 Wheatabix, this time with snakes
Mission-30 Cat-30 Filthy Hoborgs
Mission-31 Cat-31 Cork Hole
Mission-32 Cat-32 Jerks are Worse than Dragons
Misison-33 Cat-33 Triceratops
Mission-34 Cat-34 More than One Way to Raise a Mrow
Mission-35 Cat-35 Gone Fishing?
Mision-36 Cat-36 The Cat's back and the Fish is done.
Mission-37 Cat-37 True Happiness
Misison-38 Cat-38 The Mountain Lord
Mission-39 Cat-39 Stop, Hammer Time
Misison-40 Cat-40 Machiste and the Birds
Mission-41 Cat-41 Smash Them Goblins
Mission-42 Cat-42 Fled like Dogs
Mission-43 Cat-43 Still Another Way to Kill a Cat
Mission-44 Cat-44 Morlocks and More
Mission-45 Cat-45 Trick or Treat
Mission-46 Cat-46 Flying Skulls
Mission-47 Cat-47 Slammed
Mission-48 Cat-48 Crom Quest
Mission-49 Cat-49 Coronation, Not Yet
Mission-50 Cat-50 Mammoths and Death Worms
Mission-51 Cat-51 Coronation and Culmination