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Type / Price / Notes

  • Belladona 10gp If ingested after a lycanthrope bite, make a poison save: either die in one turn or be cured of lycanthropy.
  • Birthwort 10gp Applied as a poultice, gives 25% chance to re-roll failed poison save
  • Black Lotus 250gp Smoked or chewed, save vs. poison, if passed regain 2-5 cast spells after trance of 10-40 minutes. If failed, fall into deep trance for 2d6 hours. On a roll of “1” fall trance lasts 2d6 days.
  • Chaulmoogra Oil 10gp If poured on a green slime infestation, 50% chance to wash off all the slime.

Comfrey 10gp Once per day per patient, heals 1d4 points of damage after battle.

  • Felwort 10gp If a tincture is splashed on the face, allows a second saving throw vs. paralysis.
  • Fly agaric Mushrooms 25gp Increases melee damage rolls by +2, as well as STR and CON checks for 1 hour, but then fall deeply unconscious for 10-60 minutes
  • Garlic 5gp Causes a vampire to cringe for 1d4 rounds
  • Goldenrod 10gp If taken within a day of infection, 25% chance to avoid a disease
  • Healing Salve 25gp Smeared on an injury, heals 1d6 hit points of damage, but causes 1 hour of deep sleep. Only 1 application works at a time
  • Pipe Weed 1sp If made into a cigar or smoked in a pipe has a 10% chance to drive all the ladies from the room.
  • Tamarind 10gp If applied as a poultice within an hour of being hit, has a 25% chance of curing Mummy Rot.
  • Vermifuge 10gp Smoke from burning it kills all bookworms within 10'
  • White byrony 10gp If burnt and breathed, 25% to allow second save vs. yellow mold or other dangerous spores. Handkerchief coated with it and held over nose gives +4 save vs. spores.
  • White Lotus 100gp Swallowing the flower gives an immediate re-roll of a failed poison save at +4 on the roll.
  • Wolfsbane 10gp If character strikes a lycanthrope with a sprig, it must save vs poison or flee as if turned.
  • Woundwart 5gp Applied to wounds, 1 dose per day, adds 1 extra hit point healed.
herbals.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/16 21:56 by andrew