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Locked or Trapped?

For each door and each chest (not barrels, jars, garbage, or bookcases) check on the tables below to see if they are locked, stuck, barred etc. Look to “Breaking Things” and “Adventuring Skills” for information on getting past the traps or breaking through the locks.


1d20 Roll Result
1-5 Open
13-15Barred (doors only, treat containers as locked
20Magic Lock


1d20 RollTrap
1-12No trap
14Sleep Gas
15Poison Needle
18Acid Spray
19Poison Spiked Pit
20Poison Gas

The Traps

  • Pit: there is a pit trap in front of the door or chest. Each turn spent dealing with opening it has a 1-2 out of 6 chance of the pit opening, causing character to fall for 2d6 damage, roll a Ray/Poison save to take only half damage.
  • Sleep Gas: when the door or chest is opened, roll 1d6, that’s the radius of effect of the gas in Inches (multiply by 5 for feet in game) of a cloud of gas that erupts, make a Ray/Poison save or fall asleep for 1d6 turns in which you can only be awakened by neutralizing the poison.
  • Poison Needle: whoever opened the door or chest is stabbed with a poison needle, save vs. poison or die.
  • Darts: when the door or chest is disturbed in any way, 1d6 darts are launched from hidden devices in a nearby wall, they attack random targets, rolling to hit as 5th level thieves. Damage is 1d6 per dart.
  • Blade: a cutting blade swings from the door frame or across the chest, doing 2d6 damage, unless a Save vs. Ray/Poison is made, which avoids the damage altogether.
  • Acid Spray: a random target within 10' of the trap is sprayed with acid for 1d6 points of damage. Roll a save vs Breath weapon and if it fails, your armor, shield and 1 non-magical weapon is destroyed as well.
  • Poison Spike Pit: the same procedure as a regular pit, only it’s filled with spikes, so the base damage is 3d6. If you fail your save for half damage you must then make a second poison save or be killed by the poison on the spikes.
  • Poison Gas: same procedure as the Sleep Gas, only the effects are lethal.
locked_or_trapped.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/01 19:30 by dave