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Sergeant Drode Flaskcoat

Sergeant Flaskcoat was found dead in April YOR 2021 beheaded and looted in the Ostkrags by the Stout Striders.

Dwarf Fighter - 1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Initiate of Ukko
HP: 10
AC: 4 (Mail and Shield)
Spear (SR 7, D6, Receive charge, throw 10/20/30)

Dwarf Attributes: Move 25; AC 9; Class: C,F,T; darkvision; Special: Stonework Skill, +2 on all saves. No lonbow, composite bow or pike

Special Feature: —

STR 13
DEX 14 (+1 to missile attacks)
CON 17 (+2 HP per hit die)
INT 13
WIS 12
CHA 11

GOLD: 16

Languages: Sarge speaks Dwarvish, Elvish, as well as the common tongue.

Skills: Quick Draw

Stuff: Chain Armor, Shield, Spear, Warhammer, Shortbow, 20 arrows, Work Clothes, Boots, Backpack, Food bag, 2 sacks, full waterskin, 2 doses of liver squeezings

Background: Soldier

sarge.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/17 16:11 by andrew