Table of Contents
There are a number of rules unique to this game that sit on top of the 5e open-source rules. These rules are found below.
Live Game Rules
- The core mechanic is very similar to 5e
- A simplified action economy
- Unique character generation rules specific to the Eldritch Earth setting
- Combat related rules and clarification
- A corruption system to track demonic possession
- A very simple but effective sanity system
- An innovative but OSR-flavored rewards system
- A new spellcasting library that captures the flavors of Eldritch Earth by making spell failure more regular and more difficult
- A spell concentration rule that is similar to that introduced by 5e
- A master list of potential conditions a creature might suffer
- A interesting mechanic for tracking one's supplies
Downtime Rules
- A simple description of regular expenses and maintenance
- Directives for how to buy and maintain property and strongholds
- Rules for downtime crafting of mundane and magic items
- A catalog of books one might acquire for various magical and mundane needs
- Information on how to request and carry out downtime side quests
- Details on how to use the "Western Marches" style campaign
rules.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/12 21:17 by andrew