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Isle of Sundry

Commonly known as the “Island of Portals,” Sundry provides many heroes of Kyor with a method of reaching between planes. While primarily located within the Feywild, the island of Sundry famously can appear magically within the Serene Expanse of the material plane. It is peopled by a series of human clans who have a powerful exodus myth. Essentially they were fleeing from persecution in the distant past, and with the help of powerful beings in the Feywild developed powerful planar transport magic to flee. While the Sundries (as these people are called) reached this different land in moments from an outside perspective, the myth is that it took much longer - some stories saying as long as forty years. The people of Sundry do not worship the regular Daeva of Kyor. Instead they practice a form of ancestor worship that relates back to the powerful beings that sired each of the clans.

Important People of Sundry

Notable Clans of Sundry

sundry.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/28 20:41 by andrew