The government of the Union of Galactic Humanity is made up System Governments, the Administrative Chambers, and the Central Assembly. It is the job of the Central Assembly and its Grand Supervisor to set policy for the Union, and it is the job of the Chambers to explain why that policy cannot be carried out.
1--Star System Governments
Each system in the Union is classified, based on population (subject to scrutiny by the Chamber of Colonization) into one of three types: Member World, Colony or Outpost.
Member World: if a system has 10 million or more permanent inhabitants it is, subject to approval by the Chamber of Colonization and vote by the Central Assembly, classified as a Member World. A member world is allowed 1 representative in the Central Assembly, with 1 vote for each 1 million people who inhabit the system. The System Administrator of a member world is chosen by the world itself by whatever means the world decides (some are elected for a fixed term, some are elected for life, some are hereditary, some are chosen by the previous administrator). The System Administrator and whatever legislature that the world charter designates, determines how taxes are collected for the UGH government, how local crimes are punished, and can even give orders to local branches of the Administrative Chambers (including Naval Defense Squadrons and Space Cops). The local government also raises ground forces for planetary defense.
Colony if a system has between 10,000 and 10 million inhabitants it is classified as a Colony and is run directly by the Chamber of Colonization, with a Colonial Governor appointed by the Chamber.
Outpost if a system has fewer than 10,000 inhabitants it is termed an Outpost, and is run according to terms issued by the Chamber of Colonization to a corporation, government agency (such as the Navy or Chamber of Science and Research), or some private entity like a philosophical sect, university or whack-a-doo doomsday cult. There will always be a monitor from the Chamber of Colonization on hand to make sure the terms are followed and the laws obeyed.
Sector Capital Each space sector (10×10 light years) has a Sector Capital, where Sector branches of each Government Chamber coordinates activities of the Chambers on each of the worlds. The System Administrator of the the Sector Capital world (which is always a member world) acts as the Sector Governor (which is more of coordinator and ceremonial position than a direct ruler). More importantly, the Navy's Sector Fleet is headquartered in the Sector Capital and the Sector Admiral commands all naval assets in the sector.
2--The Administrative Chambers
The nuts and bolts of government of the UGH are tightened by the Administrative Chambers. These are a series of large government departments manned by vast numbers of officials, ranking from Level-1 (Apprentice Menials) to Level 50 (Grand Director of the Chamber). Each of the Chambers has its own jurisdictions and they each are extremely jealous of their turf. Employment in the Chambers is theoretically open to everyone (starting at Leve-1 of course) but in practice, rising above level 4 or 5 is nearly impossible to anyone whose parent was not at least a level 15. The chambers are thus practically bureaucratic trade guilds. It would not be profitable to list each of the Chambers, but below are some of the ones more likely to be encountered by the players.
- Chamber of Defense: oversees the funding, recruitment, ship-building etc. for the Navy and the Marines. They also inspect, audit and monitor local world ground defense units.
- Chamber of Colonization: oversees the founding and governance of colonies and outposts, the ascension of colonies to member world status, and complaints of colonists and businesses with colonial governments.
- Chamber of Industry and Trade: monitors and inspects all business activities in the UGH.
- Chamber of Justice: maintains the courts, prosecutors, correction facilities (include mental-reform-hospitals and penal colonies) and controls the Space Cops and Secret Space Detectives.
- Chamber of Union Security Services (C.U.S.S.): A highly secretive agency in charge of spying on external enemies and searching for traitors and revolutionaries within the state.
- Chamber of Science and Research: is in charge of all scientific research in the Union, tasked with both making sure it is all cataloged for government use and making sure that all dangerous research is suppressed. The most feared section of the Chamber is the Science Patrol, who take direct action against outlaw scientists and prohibited technology.
- Chamber of Information : this agency uses advanced Androids to scan planetary information networks and correct or delete information that is deemed by regulation to be against public interest. It will forward criminal complaints to the Space Cops, Science Patrol or even C.U.S.S. as appropriate.
Each Chamber is in charge of a hefty volume of complex regulations which they must enforce to the letter. A Chamber's Director can propose a change in regulation, but the change must be approved by a majority of the other Chambers and then confirmed by the Central Assembly.
3--Central Assembly
Each member world sends 1 representative to the Central Assembly, held on various planets of the Core Worlds in a rotating schedule. The Representatives each get 1 vote for each 1 million inhabitants of their planets. The Assembly must confirm any proposed change in Regulations from the chambers, can set the amount of tax revenue to be collected for each 10-year period, and choses the Grand Supervisor of the Union when the office becomes vacant. They have many other notional powers, but since the Chambers do all the work, the actual importance of the Assembly and even the Grand Supervisor is up to debate.