Table of Contents
The Champions of Reumix
The city-state of Reumix was built in the shadow left by the Verdant Empire, a powerful ancient civilization of lizardfolk that ruled much of southwest Radavan for hundreds of years before the arrival of the heritages of elves, dwarves, and men. It sits at the confluence of the Silt and Bitter rivers, starting as a humble outpost in the middle of the desert and growing in importance as vaults full of ancient artifacts are located in the nearby wastes and plundered for wealth and power.
The majority of the citizens of Reumix are the lizardfolk descendants of the Verdant Empire. While there have been advances in equality over the centuries, Reumix suffers from a history of racism and oppression of these folk. Indigenous lizardfolk were once used as slave labor by the dragonborn who led the effort to settle this area.
The most powerful heroes of Reumix have defended their city in the past, fighting off dragons, cultists, arch liches, and ancient legendary gloomstalkers.
A Message from Magister Sorelia Delanare
Your Eminence, King Raposa,
I apologize sincerely that this message must be written rather than spoken about in person, but my services are required at the point of the threat. It is with the utmost urgency that I report something to you discovered within the bowels of Reumix.
The catacombs beneath the city contained a well that reaches deep into the void below, and at its mouth was a massive Amethyst gem used as an arcane conduit to bind a nightmarish fiend within, preventing escape. Minions of this fiend managed to sunder the well, dispelling the magic binding the gem and the would-be prison below. The creature has escaped. The other Ministers and I were able to bloody the enormous creature, but we were too weak to stop him from escaping, and we had need to dispatch his remaining allies to assure the city’s immediate safety. I returned to the archives to search for whatever I could about this well and happened upon what are frustratingly scarce records about a “hasty yet necessary” binding ritual when this fiend first threatened Reumix. It is mentioned that the Arcanists of the time discovered a potent source of power beneath the city, and through their combined efforts, were able to siphon and transfer power from this “source” to the amethyst gem and bind this fiend within the well. I have conferred with the Arcano and through magical scrying we have found the power source….it is a Tanari Demon. When the well was sundered, this beast was also unleashed, and we believe he means to take his revenge. It is essential that we muster our forces and meet this demon, as I believe he is the most immediate threat. We must also be diligent about the other fiend as well, and pray we are not met at two fronts.
Magister Sorelia Delanare
The Ministers and Advisors to his Royal Highness King Raposa of Reumix
- Duthara Atere - High Priest of the Palace of Twilight, advisor to the king
- Ander Greenbottle - Court Arcanist
- Delmirev Arava - Captain of the Guard and Warden of the city of Reumix
- His honor Bohdan Lubomir - Grand Diplomat of the city-state of Reumix
- Cahir Logarius - First Hunter of the Order of the Paleblood
- Devon Pugh - Famous archaeologist of southwest Radavan
- Owain MacDiarmat - Champion of the Star's Vale
- Captain Ravnia - Captain of the Royal Guard of Reumix
- Shemp - Friend of the king
- Magister Sorelia Delanare - Magister of Reumix and Chairperson of the Arcano
- Marshall Reybur Ebonbraid - Commander of the armed forces of Reumix
- Scoutmaster Roland - Leader of the scouting corps of Reumix
Game Logs
- Shadow of the Dragon - One Shot Game 2022.01.27
- Dungeon of the Dragon - One Shot Game 2021.11.11
- Desert of the Dragon - One Shot Game 2021.07.08
Character Choices
When new characters are created, players may choose one of these powerful magic items for your player character to use.
Additionally, players of new characters may choose one minor magic item or up to three consumable magic items.
If you would prefer something that is not on these lists, write me email and we can discuss something in line with this power level.
Other Benefits
The Reumix aviary gives the player characters access to giant grey vultures as flying mounts if they should be required. Be warned, they are quite squishy.
Finally, any spellcaster may be assumed to have enough material spell components for up to three castings of any spells chosen that require a material component with a GP cost. For example, if your PC chooses to take Revivfy they gain three bags of 300gp worth of diamond dust required to cast it three times.
Choices Made
Here is a list of player characters for the Shadow of the Dragon one-shot:
Player | Character Name | Character Class | Station |
Brandon | Cahir Logarius | Ranger-3 Fighter-6 (Samurai) | - |
Joseph | Reybur Ebonbraid | Paladin-9 (Glory) | Marshall |
Kaleigh | Devon Pugh | Rogue-9 (Inquisitive) | Archeologist |
Luke D | Owain MacDiarmat | Fighter-7 (Rune Knight) Druid-2 (Star) | - |
Luke Y | Sorelia Delanare | Wizard-9 (Bladesinger) | Magister |
Ryan | Duthara Atere | Cleric-9 (Twilight) | High Priest |
Here is a list of the choices players made for the Dungeon of the Dragon one-shot:
Player | Character Name | Character Class | Station | Choice |
Abigail | Delmirev Arava | Barbarian-9 (Berserker) | Warden | Armorer's Shop |
Colin B | The Judge | Fighter-3 (Samurai) Paladin-6 (Redemption) | Celestial | Holy Avenger |
Colin S | Ander Greenbottle | Warlock-9 (Fiend) | Adventurer | Magic Shop |
Jacob | Bohdan Lubomir | Rogue-9 (Mastermind) | Grand Diplomat | Mercurian |
Joseph | Reybur Ebonbraid | Paladin-9 (Glory) | Marshall | Holy Eagle |
Luke | Sorelia Delanare | Wizard-9 (Bladesinger) | Magister | The Arcano |
Paul | Roland Numan | Fighter-9 (Champion) | Scoutmaster | Sir Nestor |
Here is a list of the choices players made for their PCs in the Desert of the Dragon one-shot:
Player | Character Name | Character Class | Station | Choice |
Casey | Ravnia | Monk (Mercy) | Captain of the Royal Guard | Alchemy Shop |
Jacob | Bohdan Lubomir | Rogue (Mastermind) | Grand Diplomat | Mercurian |
John | Shemp | Druid (Moon) | Friend | - |
Joseph | Reybur Ebonbraid | Paladin (Glory) | Marshall | Holy Eagle |
Luke | Sorelia Delanare | Wizard (Bladesinger) | Magister | The Arcano |
Ryan | Duthara Atere | Cleric (Twilight) | High Priest | Holy Avenger |