Table of Contents


This large city is located on the Southwest coast. It is near the Plaguelands, a desert filled with terrible packs of undead led by tyrannical necromantic warlords. This busy port was originally settled by the Twin Kingdoms long ago during the period of the Verdant Empire. Since then, members of all three heritages have settled here. It has grown growing in economic importance and is now the home to several colleges of magic and lore, laboratories, libraries and higher institutions of study as well as a number of institutions devoted to the arts.

Blackangel exports several important goods. The Blackangel river drains into the ocean here, allowing many raw materials harvested inland to be delivered down river for manufacturing. Citrus and vegetables from the nearby farms are shipped throughout the area. Blackangel has had a strong shipbuilding tradition that has faded as carpenters have had to go farther east into the Stony Mountains for good timber. Iron and copper mines in the Stony Mountains are now more important materials from the area. There is a lot of manufacturing done here as well, and those goods are shipped to several ports across the Serene Expanse.

The city got its name from a legend that the original settlers of this area were saved from an attack by a giant sea squid by a holy angel with wings as dark as coal.




There are five main noble houses each supported by a number of the other thirty lesser noble lines of Blackangel. All these noble lines are traced directly back to the founding of the city early in the Radavanian Age of Plunder.

The Law










Unless described otherwise in their detail pages, all these establishments are located in the College Hill district of Blackangel.


Unless described otherwise in their detail pages, all these establishments are located in the Templa district of Blackangel.

City Districts


Radavan is roughly the size of the continental United States in our world, so as a shorthand there is often a real-world American city analogue to the city-states of this continent. For example, Blackangel is analogous to the weather and geography of Los Angeles, CA.