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Design Notes

It occurs to me that there are just different names for ghosts. A corruptor and a Dybbuk are essentially the same thing. Also, Ibbur should probably be grouped under ghosts, since they are essentially summoned ghosts who fight in the spirit world or animate dead bodies for Kabbalists. Maybe we use these as special “flavors” of these spirits? We can use the different ones at different HD, and with different monster types, like I did with Common Ghosts, divided into Haunts, Poltergeists, Wraiths and Specters, each of which had different strengths and powers, you might make the Dybbuk more powerful than a corruptor, and have them try to completely possess their victims, commit a crime and leave, unlike the corruptors who are individually small potatoes, but add up to trouble?

Okay sounds good! BTW, I'm keeping my monster stats to myself for the time being. I plan to post them live in after-play reports. Do you like how you've formatted the monster stats? Can I copy your format? The format works for the wiki, and I think it has everything calculated out that one might need in play, but I may re-arrange the physical appearance of the stat-set-up if I put things on cards. But, yes, you can copy my format

P.S., the more complex, varied and confusing the spiritual world is, the better. The more different kinds of invisible perils there are, the creepier and more frightening the whole experience is.

Agreed! Everyone will be getting their butts to church!

monsters.1578073911.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/03 17:51 by andrew